
Red Collector's Series Rolling Papers


1 in stock
Brought to you by Elements, these Red Collector's Series Rolling Papers are an absolute must-have for all rolling fanatics. Featuring a red color scheme, uniquely distinct from usual Elements papers, this pack of rolling papers looks awesome! The silver letters shine against the contrasting red backdrop.

Immediately, you will notice the magnetic connection that seals the packaging. It prevents your pack of Elements from opening up in your pocket or on the table. This way, no rolling papers are wasted due to wear and tear from exposure.

As you smoke these papers, you will also see how slowly they burn with virtually no ash. Furthermore, each paper is watermarked with a CrissCross. Elements are the proprietor of this design, as it prevents canoeing and maintains a smooth burn.

These rolling papers possess amazing design and function. Made in Spain and including 50 papers per pack, the Red Collector's Series is a sweet deal.
elements rolling papers, red collector's series
rolling papers for smoking, red colored packaging
Red Collector's Series Rolling Papers

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