Cleaning your pipes can get messy. Between the chemicals, paper towels, water, and residue, your countertop can get pretty gross. Thanks to ResRemover and its 420 Cleaner, you can clean a pipe safely and securely. The all-natural cleaner is in a resealable pouch. Fill the bag with hot water, add your dirty items (spoon pipes, bowls, dab nails, etc.), and let it soak overnight. Remove the items, rinse with hot water, and voila! Your items will be looking like new. No clean-up or agitation necessary. The ResRemover 420 Cleaner is safe to use on all smoking materials such as glass, quartz, ceramic, metal, silicone, plastic, and acrylic. Choose the size that works for you. Seal the bag and store for reuse to get as many uses out of each package as possible.