- Aurora
- Bambu
- Beach Bum
- Boveda
- Budder Buddy
- Cabana Cannabis Co.
- Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke
- Choice Leaf Palm
- Curved Papers
- DankStop
- Elements
- Famous Brandz
- Famous Dispensary Supply
- Famous X
- Futurola
- Guns N Rose
- Guns N Roses
- Hellboy
- Jay and Silent Bob
- Joker
- Juicy Jay
- Juicy Jay's
- Kannastor
- King Palm
- King Palms
- Lit Culture
- Moose Labs
- Mooselabs
- Nucleus
- Ooze
- Original Cones
- Puff Puff Pass
- Pure Hemp
- Randy's
- Raw
- RGR Canada Inc.
- Rowll
- Santa Cruz Shredder
- Shine Papers
- Skunk Brand
- Smelly Proof
- SmokeBuddy
- Stash Sack
- The Medtainer
- Tightpac
- Trailer Park Boys
- Trudo
- TruWeigh
- V Syndicate
- Valiant
- Valiant Distribution
- Wido
- World Piece
- Zig Zag
- zig-zag
- Aurora
- Bambu
- Beach Bum
- Boveda
- Budder Buddy
- Cabana Cannabis Co.
- Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke
- Choice Leaf Palm
- Curved Papers
- DankStop
- Elements
- Famous Brandz
- Famous Dispensary Supply
- Famous X
- Futurola
- Guns N Rose
- Guns N Roses
- Hellboy
- Jay and Silent Bob
- Joker
- Juicy Jay
- Juicy Jay's
- Kannastor
- King Palm
- King Palms
- Lit Culture
- Moose Labs
- Mooselabs
- Nucleus
- Ooze
- Original Cones
- Puff Puff Pass
- Pure Hemp
- Randy's
- Raw
- RGR Canada Inc.
- Rowll
- Santa Cruz Shredder
- Shine Papers
- Skunk Brand
- Smelly Proof
- SmokeBuddy
- Stash Sack
- The Medtainer
- Tightpac
- Trailer Park Boys
- Trudo
- TruWeigh
- V Syndicate
- Valiant
- Valiant Distribution
- Wido
- World Piece
- Zig Zag
- zig-zag
2 products
Beach Bum
Silver 55mm 4-Piece Aluminum Grinder
You Gotta Go Low To Get High!
The Beach Bum smoking accessories, featuring official Beach Bum artwork, which brings to life iconic moments from the film. This 4-piece grinder is made from CNC Aluminum, and includes a stash component, sifting screen, and precision teeth.
- Made from CNC aluminum
- Compact 4-part design
- Magnetic lid
- Plastic pollen scraper
- Nylon friction ring
- Moondog decal on lid
- The Beach Bum logo on the bottom
Product dimensions: 55mm